Thursday, June 13, 2013

Yellowstone, here we come!

Josh, Zoey & I will be heading out to Yellowstone National Park bright and early tomorrow morning ... as in we have a 6:30 am flight.  We've been packed up since last weekend, and our suitcases are jam-packed.  We've been told that the weather really fluctuates this time of year and that we should layer.  Hopefully we have what we need, but we'll find out tomorrow! 

We're all really excited to see all of the wildlife and the geysers (Zoey especially wants to see some geysers).  Hopefully we'll have some great photos to share when we get back.

Monday, June 10, 2013

She did it!

Riley finally did pee-pee and poopy on the potty this weekend ... while sitting and reading a book.  She was so dang proud of herself (as was I!), it was so stink' cute.  Hopefully this is the start of a whole new world for us.  Aaahhh, to finally be free of diapers/pull-ups would be such a wonderful thing; and a major cost saver too!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Swim Meet

Zoey swam 3 heats in her swim meet last night, and she improved her backstroke by 9 seconds.  She seems to be getting the hang of this whole swim thing.  Josh & I were on ribbon writing duty, which allowed us (after Zoey was finished with her heats) to sit in the air conditioned clubhouse with good friends while sticking stickers on the backs of ribbons.  Zoey earned herself 2 second place ribbons and 1 third place ribbon last night.  Go Zoey!

What you can almost make out in the first photo is that the kids get their heat numbers and lane number written on their arms at the Thursday practices.  Riley had her own version written on her arm, which included hears and butterflies.  She was super excited to show me her arm when I got there.  Maybe we'll have a second swimmer in a few years.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

First Swim Meet

Zoey had her first swim meet last Thursday at Martin's Landing subdivision.  She was in the first heat, and I was coming from work and had to park like 15 miles from the pool.  So, I ran ... in my wedges ... not my best decision ever, as I ended up taking a spill.  I scraped up my hands, banged my knee and landed right on my right foot.  It was swollen up after about an hour.  I was so close to the pool, I could hear them swimming and all the cheering.  Luckily Josh was able to take these videos on his phone so I could see what happened:

Zoey's group took first place in all the heats that she was in (Go Torpedoes!) and she received her 3 blue ribbons on Friday and she was so excited and we were so proud of her.  Although she practices with the 7-8 year olds, Zoey has to swim with the 6-year olds.  At first she was upset about this since most of her friends are in the 7-8 group, but she's come to terms with it.  It's to her advantage since this is her first time doing swim team.  We've got another swim meet tomorrow; this one at home.  Hopefully its another good event.