Friday, May 27, 2011

Getting caught up on events ....

Easter - 4/24/11

We celebrating Riley's first Easter with a nice, low key day at home.  The girls woke up to fun filled Easter baskets and yummy Easter bread.  We had our own egg hunt in the back yard and Zoey did great finding all the eggs (and sharing with her sister)

Royal Wedding - 4/29/11

This mom TiVo'd the wedding of William and Catherine so that the girls could watch it and see a real princ marrying his princess.  Unfortunately due to misbeahving, Zoey wasn't able to watch until Sunday morning.  So dressed in our PJ's and crowns, we all sat down to watch the pre-recorded festivities.  Okay, I admit that Rose Mary and I couldn't wait, so we'd already watching it Friday night, so we were able to fast forward to the parts that would keep Zoey's attention.  I vividly remember watchng Charles and Diana getting married, so I wanted my girls to have that same opportunity.

End of Soccer - 5/14/11

Zoey's first season of playing soccer has come to an end with a fun game followed by a fun pizza party.  Overall Zoey had a good time playing soccer on the Sharks team.  For some reason she can kick butt with the game with Josh in the back yard, but when actually playing a game she turns into this timid kid.  We suspect it's that she's just a little too polite and doesn't want anyone to get hurt.  While those are commendable traits, it's not always the best thing for wining games.  Granted, they don't even keep score at this age, but some day they will.

Zoey's Dance recital - 5/20/11

Zoey had her 2nd dance recital at Appletree-ABC.  The great thing is that this dance company comes to the preschool for classes and they do the recital right at the school.  Plus the provide the costumes to use on recital day, so that is a big money saver.  Zoey was an amazing littler performer.  She just loves being in front of an audience and strutting her stuff.  I was impressed at how well she remembered the steps and didn't have to look towards the teacher all that much.

Riley's 1st time at the Pool - 5/21/11

We ventured into the pool last Saturday, and man, was that water COLD!  It probably wasn't the best idea to expose Riley to her first experience in the pool in freezing water, but we did it any way.  Bunbled un in a swim suit that covers her scar from exposure to the sun, we ventured into the artic water.  Needless to say, this was not a favorite experience for Riley.  I was finally able to get her about waist deep when she gave up and promptly fell asleep on my chest.  Hopefully as the water continues to warm up she will like it as much as Zoey does.  Thankfully Zoey took to the water like a fish and she remembered quite a bit from her swim lessons last year.

22q at the Zoo Worldwide Awareness Day - 5/22/11

We we fortunate to have a participating zoo near us in this 1st ever worldwide awareness day event.  Our local 22q partnered with the Dempster Family Foundation and we have the 2nd largest gathering of the 65 participating zoos internationally.  We all had matching t-shirts that we pre-ordered, but can you beleive that they did not have baby sizes, not even toddler sizes.  So, determined to have Riley, the reason for our going to this event , matching the rest of the family, I found a pattern on-line to turn her t-shirt into a romper.  It was nice day (but super-duper hot) where we met other families living with 22q and it was an amazing thing to see all these red t-shirts all day long

After the long day at the zoo, every one conked out.  Riley has been sick with a cold and thank heavens it seems to be staying as just a cold.  Well, the little one has literally infected everyone in the household except for Nana.  So, she passed out on the floor with Duke keeping her company

Physical Therapy - weekly

Riley has (finally) started physical therapy (PT) through the Babies Can't Wait progam.  Sumi, the therapist, said that Riley is really not that far behind.  Since Riley was born at 37 weeks, they look at her gestational age, not her chronologial age.  Based on that Riley is pretty much on target for an almost 7 month old, versus an almost 8 month old.  Sumi is working with Riley to strengthen her core and get her sitting up on her own.  Sumi will be coming to the house once a week and we will continue the exercises at home to help continue her development.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates!! I love all the pics!! I totally DVRd the Royal Wedding too! I love the pic of Riley and Duke - it reminds me of when Zoey was a baby :) I wish I could do that Dance Program in NY as a free-lance pre-school dance teacher, b/c I LOVE teaching my little ones :) I wonder how I could do that here . . . if you get a chance to ask someone when Zoey goes for Summer Camp let me know!

    I hope Zoey keeps practicing her steps b/c Aunt Melissa wants to see them when she's in NY in 1 month! :)
