Friday, December 10, 2010


So I think Riley might actually be kicking this cold (finally!).  Although we had a rough night last night; she & I were basically up from 1:30 am to 4:45 am (give or take).  Sadly TV programming ends at 3:00 am, but I was lucky to find a wacky movie on so I had something to watch then!  During the day, Riley's symptoms are pretty mild ... not much of a runny nose right now, or at least the times between runny noses are fewer and further between.  We're just about at that 2 week mark, so I guess the doc was right about that time frae.  According to the Pediatrician and the Cardiologist, they are seeing greater numbers of RSV right now so we are so lucky that our insurance approved Riley getting the Synagis shots, as she is actually getting the antibodies for RSV and now that she's had 2 shots, it's a bit stronger protection.

We still haven't heard anything about the Katie Beckett Medicaid yet, so please keep fingers crossed that we'll get some good news soon.  I'm not sure how much longer we can keep the bill collectors at bay by telling them that we are waiting to hear about the Medicaid program.  Right now it's a total waiting game, and that totally stinks!

1 comment:

  1. I will keep praying that it all works out, as I and many other people all over this country have been praying for you and Riley since day one- and she is certainly proof of the miracle of prayer.
