Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 UGGGHHH!!!

So while Michele has been updating you with the wonderful goings on around our family holiday time (snow, presents, nana + bubba, family time) I get to tell you how 2010 is ending.

So last Monday evening (12/20) my back went in to a spasm like I have never felt before. I didn't really sleep all night and on Tuesday morning I was in the worst pain I have ever felt. Needless to say I called a chiropractor and he got me in at 9am - come to find out I had a herniated disk (L5) and pinched nerves. So he worked on it and did some test and x-rays. Then I went to him every morning from Wednesday - Friday to try and straighten out my back. Come to find out from the x-rays and tests, my lower back  (specifically L5, L4, and L3 vertebrae) has had lots of years of stress on it and is compensating by growing calcium deposits toward each other. Essentially my spine is trying to fuse itself together to make sure that it can keep my walking. Obviously this would not be very good for my flexibility and it would keep me in a decent amount of pain. So the chiropractor and I are going to meet about 20 more times in the new year to hopefully work out why my lower back is receiving such punishment.

This put me in a not very good place all of last week and in to Christmas on Saturday - couldn't really sleep for longer then a couple of hours each night and any time I was in one position for longer then about an hour, moving was very difficult. While this was going on Riley got another cold - stuffy nose, unable to breathe, coughing up mucus, etc, etc - on Tuesday night. So that really stinks for her and Michele, because I really couldn't help as much as I would have liked to due to me not being able to pick up a kleenex never mind a 9lb baby girl.

But then Christmas morning with my family came and it was awesome - Zoey is very very deliberate present opener. She wants to admire each gift and make sure that each one gets its own due - while frustrating, it is one of the qualities of my oldest little girl that I love the most - when she is intent on something, there is no getting her off of it. So we were enjoying our day when during the Celtics-Magic game the TV started to fritz and then all of a sudden my father and I noticed that there was water pouring out of the light fixture right above the TV. Come to find out the guest toilet upstairs had overflowed and flooded the bathroom, which in turn flooded part of our living room ceiling. Everyone jumped up and did a great job - Nana took the baby, Zoey woke Mom from her winter's nap, Dad went to the upstairs bathroom and shut off the water/shopvac-ed the standing water up, duke licked himself, and I moved the TV and tried to catch the water.

So we took the light fixture out and poked holes in the ceiling so the water wouldn't collapse the whole ceiling. We called our insurance company yesterday - Allstate - and I dealt with someone yesterday and a claims specialist today and thankfully they are going to cover some expenses. (WAY TO GO ALLSTATE). Needless to say we had to laugh, because we couldn't cry about it. We worked some fans throughout the night in multiple areas, pulled up some carpet to dry it and the padding out, and have caulked some areas in the upstairs bathroom so hopefully if it does happen again, it just puddles on the tile upstairs.

So while it was a ridiculous Christmas story, it was our Christmas. Thankfully my parents were here or I don't know what Michele and I would have done with just ourselves and the kids. This incident does put a pretty neat little bow on 2010 for the Jacobs family thought and fits right in with what we have had going on. I'm sure you all realize by now that we are all greatly anticipating 12:01am on Saturday morning. A new start can't be the worst thing for us.

Thank you all again for the love and support that you have given us this year - hopefully you have some more left over as Riley will be having her surgery early in the new year and Michele and I are going to have to try and figure out how to deal with all of this while both working full time (mom, went back to work today - she was/is heartbroken about it, but better heartbroken, then bankrupt).

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