Sunday, July 24, 2011

Catching Up

Riley had her routine appointment with the Cardiologist, and she is dong awesome!  Her resting heart rate was 130, which is fantabulous considering that it was in the 180's for a while there.  This means that her Beta Blocker is doing it's job.

We've been having some problems with Riley retching again during feedings, which is most likely due to the fact that she is teething and creating a lot more saliva that she has to digest.   We checked with the GI's office (I know Dr. Sherrod's nurse, Shauna, by the sound of her voice) and they agreed that we are doing what we need to be doing - which is cutting back on her feeds and extending them to 1 hour again vs. the 1/2 that she's been doing.  Over the last few weeks, we've cut back form 170 ml per 1/2 feeding to 140 ml over an hour.  Slowly, we're building up the volume and are back to 170 (1st time today).  We'll keep that for another day or so, then start cutting back the duration of the feedings.  Riley is doing awesome with the mouth feeds again too, which just warms the heart.

Zoey is getting geared up for her 5th birthday party which we are doing at a local art studio next Saturday.  This is the first time that we are doing a party outside of the house and I'm a little freaked out by how little I have to do.  I am so used to making sure that my house is super clean, that we have all the food & drinks, the house is decorated - you name it!  I actually called the venue the other day to ask them if I should be doing something and they assured me that, nope, I am all set.  Weird.

I am on this weird organizing/decorating kick lately.  Thanks to a few blogs that I like to read on a regular basis.  Right now I am focusing on turning my dining room into a grown up,pretty space, and it is coming along nicely.  I've made new curtains from some beautiful fabric that I found along with some inexpensive sheers from Wal-Mart.  I've also been doing a photo wall with black & white family pictures (it's amazing how similar the girls look as babies).  My next adventure will be the laundry room - which is currently in the delightful shades of olive green, brick red and goldenrod.  I plan on painting the trim & cubbies a nice glossy white, the walls a soft grey and then accent with turquoise.  I can't wait to get started!  Okay, I hate painting, but I love the end result.

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