Tuesday, March 1, 2011

PostOp Day 5 8AM

Riley had a much better night last night, only waking up once. Her heart rate was down in the 140s-150s!!!! They did try to ween her off the oxygen and she just wans't having it as her O2 went down to 85-88 and it needs to be above 93. So more X-Rays and blood work this morning. No fever though after the one yesterday and we have had some more smiles. Riley woke up this morning talking with the nurses and babbiling at me. So hopefully she is getting back to feeling normal. I imagine that we will be here till at least tomorrow, but hopefully not beyond that.


  1. Hey guys thanks so much for updating the Blog so often - I know this is a tough time for you all - I am SO happy to hear that Riley's fever went down, I hope all the blood work comes back normal and Riley gets strong enough to get back home with you guys :) love you all xoxoxo

  2. Hoping and praying that Riley will have a better day and that all goes well with her blood work and she will being going home. Thinking of you two and hope that you are in the best spirits possible. Love to you all and hugs and kisses to Riley. Although we are not with you, are hearts are in Georgia.
