Sunday, April 17, 2011


So Riley Rose is still in the hospital and we have an all new set of things that we are dealing with. She seems to be getting over the viral infection that she had as her oxygen that is being pushed is way down and her O2 stays up even when she sleeps. Now though she is vomiting a lot - in the last 2 hours she has had about 4 throw-ups. The GI folks thought it might be the bollus feeding that was doing it, so they put her on continuous feeds and yesterday nary any spit ups, but now this morning she hurls. I'm hoping that it might just be that she has mucus mixing down in her stomach and is turning her stomach and she needs to get it out. Who knows though - we are guessing just as much as the doctor's are. Really theirs is just an educated guessing game.

So last week was awful for me (as it was for the rest of my family) as I find out my little girl was going back in the hospital while I was 40k feet over Texas (have to love having email/internet access on a plane). So I spent the first hour or so that I was in LA sitting in the airport waiting to find out what was going on and whether I should just get back on the next flight I could and come right back home. Michele told me that her and mom could handle it and that I should stay, but it was phenomenally frustrating - I was able to do even less then normal to help my little girl and now I couldn't even push the doctor's for answers or solutions. Of course I took out my frustrations on Michele and my Mom - snapping at them on the phone because they weren't asking the questions that I would ask and didn't have the answers that I wanted/needed. I always tried to apologize profusely to them and let them know it had nothing to do with them. They are wonderful woman who have to deal with my frustration with my daughters situation.

On a very good note, through it all Zoey was very very good. Whenever we have a Riley situation Zoey has always been very well behaved and understanding. So as a reward for being so good Nana, Zoey and I went to see Rio yesterday - she loved the music and even got up and danced in the aisle of the theater at the end of the movie during the credits/music. She enjoys dancing and laughing so much - I truly hope that she never losses that uninhibitedness that so many of us lose as we get older. I will do everything that I can to let her just love/enjoy the moment that she is in.

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