Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another Good Day

Another good day with the whole family under one roof.  Riley is still on a continuous feed, but she likes to sit at the table with the rest of us while we all eat dinner (yummy taco's tonight).  Zoey loves to play the letter game at dinner, where someone gets to pick a letter and we all take turns going around the table naming things that start with that letter.  Zoey can be so amazing when she wants to be versus the Beast that she has been so frequently lately.  Getting ready for work & school on Monday (a day on which I overslept and opted not to dry my hair out straight), Zoey proceeded to tell me that I looked like a ragamuffin and perhaps I should brush my hair instead of hers.  Luckily later that night she told me that even though I looked like a ragamuffin I was still pretty.  Nothing beats having your 4 year old tell you that you are pretty.

Riley had another good day at home.  She was cooing and smiley and overall just happy to be home and out of that stinkin' hospital.  I love being able to pick my baby up and hug on her and not have her connected to 40 wires which she loves to pull off.  No IV in her arm, no alarms beeping constantly through out the day, no O2 sensor on her foot ... it was just lovely.  Pure and simple.  We're getting back on a routine and perhaps one day in the not so distant future I will be motivated to live in a clean house, versus the nasty pigsty that I currently call home.  Good thing we don't have too many visitors lately because I would be too embarrassed to invite them in!

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