Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Another one bites the dust

Zoey had a great first day in 2nd grade yesterday.  She came home pumped up for a new school year, but short another tooth!

The tooth fairy remembered to stop by our house and bring her a dollar.  What a lucky girl!

Monday, August 12, 2013

First Day of 2nd Grade

Today Zoey starts her first day of 2nd grade, can you believe it?  We seem to have a good teacher, Mrs. Henderson, whom we've heard really good stuff about, and she already has friends in her class.  Including Anderson, who she hasn't shared a class with since she was 3 years old!  Fingers crossed that Zoey has a good day and continues to stay excited for the school year

Thursday, July 18, 2013

More Lost Teeth & Potentially Good News

Can you believe that Riley lost 3 teeth in one week??  She lost the 2nd top front teeth shortly after the first.  The bottom eye tooth came out just a couple of days later.  I can't believe that my baby is so grown up ... and her 7th birthday is just around the corner.

Riley had an appointment with Dr. Sherrod yesterday, just a routine appointment, but one that had me leaving with a smile on my face.  Riley gained almost a whole pound from her last appointment in February when they added the appetite stimulant to her routine.  One pound doesn't sound like much, but in her weight-height ratio this is a big deal.  Dr. Sherrod wanted me to see if Dr. Sallee, her cardiologist would be okay adjusting the timing of her Inderal (aka Propanolol) so that we could do every thing she ingests by mouth.  As long as she can keep gaining weight and we have no issues, then we can take out the g-tube.  Like for good.  No more g-tube ... ever.

I asked Dr. Sherrod about the need for another swallow study, in regards to her aspirating issues.  Dr. Sherrod said that worst case in the next swallow study is that she would stay the same, but she would not go backwards.  So, taking out the g-tube (all things considered) would be no big deal.  My next question of course, was what does the removal entail.  Well, apparently not much.  It's just a matter of deflating the balloon on the g-tube and taking it out, and covering it with gauze while it heals up on it's own.  So there is a chance that we will be starting 2014 tube-free!

Friday, July 5, 2013

4th of July

We had our first rainy 4th of July where the days events were postponed.  We were concerned that the annual Tuxford parade was going to be cancelled since it could not be postponed until Saturday like the pool party was.  Thankfully there was a break in the weather and we were able to continue with our parade!

The girls were so excited about the event, and a little sprinkling of rain was not going to dampen any one's spirits.

Thanks in large part to our super cute girls, we came in 1st place for the motorized category!

After the parade we opted to have a rainy day at the pool.  The kids were going to be wet anyway, so what did a little extra water matter?  As long as there was no thunder the kids were able to swim in the pool.  When there was thunder the kids found the joys of running in the rain on the tennis courts.

To cap off our rainy 4th of July, Zoey & I went to see Despicable Me 2.  We had to go to two theaters since there were all sold out, but we were able to finally get tickets to a 4:15 pm movie.  All in all a rainy but good day.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Lost Tooth and Poop

Okay, so maybe not the both at the same time, but the title is accurate for our weekend activities.

Friday night we were up at the pool, enjoying the night, good food and good friends.  Zoey was playing with her friends, and next thing I know, she's crying and has a mouth full of blood.  Apparently she took a tumble and fell on her face.  Her previously wiggly front tooth was pretty much rady to come out.  In fact both top front teeth were pertty wiggly.  After some coaxing (and cuddling from mommy) daddy was able to convince her to let him have a go at the tooth.  Needless to say Zoey is now less one tooth.  We thought for sure the other one would be coming out this weekend as well, but it wasn't quite ready.

Sunday, during her nap, Riley discovered the joy of poop.  She thought it was fun to cover herself, her crib and her toys & books in poop.  Josh was completely grossed out, and I thought it was funny; probably because Nana was cleaning her up and I only had to throw in a load of laundry.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Yellowstone, here we come!

Josh, Zoey & I will be heading out to Yellowstone National Park bright and early tomorrow morning ... as in we have a 6:30 am flight.  We've been packed up since last weekend, and our suitcases are jam-packed.  We've been told that the weather really fluctuates this time of year and that we should layer.  Hopefully we have what we need, but we'll find out tomorrow! 

We're all really excited to see all of the wildlife and the geysers (Zoey especially wants to see some geysers).  Hopefully we'll have some great photos to share when we get back.

Monday, June 10, 2013

She did it!

Riley finally did pee-pee and poopy on the potty this weekend ... while sitting and reading a book.  She was so dang proud of herself (as was I!), it was so stink' cute.  Hopefully this is the start of a whole new world for us.  Aaahhh, to finally be free of diapers/pull-ups would be such a wonderful thing; and a major cost saver too!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Swim Meet

Zoey swam 3 heats in her swim meet last night, and she improved her backstroke by 9 seconds.  She seems to be getting the hang of this whole swim thing.  Josh & I were on ribbon writing duty, which allowed us (after Zoey was finished with her heats) to sit in the air conditioned clubhouse with good friends while sticking stickers on the backs of ribbons.  Zoey earned herself 2 second place ribbons and 1 third place ribbon last night.  Go Zoey!

What you can almost make out in the first photo is that the kids get their heat numbers and lane number written on their arms at the Thursday practices.  Riley had her own version written on her arm, which included hears and butterflies.  She was super excited to show me her arm when I got there.  Maybe we'll have a second swimmer in a few years.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

First Swim Meet

Zoey had her first swim meet last Thursday at Martin's Landing subdivision.  She was in the first heat, and I was coming from work and had to park like 15 miles from the pool.  So, I ran ... in my wedges ... not my best decision ever, as I ended up taking a spill.  I scraped up my hands, banged my knee and landed right on my right foot.  It was swollen up after about an hour.  I was so close to the pool, I could hear them swimming and all the cheering.  Luckily Josh was able to take these videos on his phone so I could see what happened:

Zoey's group took first place in all the heats that she was in (Go Torpedoes!) and she received her 3 blue ribbons on Friday and she was so excited and we were so proud of her.  Although she practices with the 7-8 year olds, Zoey has to swim with the 6-year olds.  At first she was upset about this since most of her friends are in the 7-8 group, but she's come to terms with it.  It's to her advantage since this is her first time doing swim team.  We've got another swim meet tomorrow; this one at home.  Hopefully its another good event.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Monkey See, Monkey Do

One of the greatest thing about being a mom to two girls is watching them enjoy one another.  Riley's favorite thing to do is anything that Zoey is doing at that moment.  This is a clip of the girls cheering for the soccer game

Mother's Day Weekend

We had a very lovely Mother's Day weekend.  Despite the rainy weather, we went to one of my favorite festivals in historic downtown Duluth - the Barefoot in the Park Festival.  We got to enjoy the live music, and the kids tent which was full of activities such as the moon sand table

I think the favorite part was watching the Gwinnett Ballet Company perform.  Zoey sat engrossed up front and center, and Riley had a blast doing her own dance moves

Sunday morning Dawn & I went to massages & facials at Spa Sydell.  What a lovely, wonderful weekend for this mom to enjoy.


Zoey had a great soccer this season playing on her team "the Kicks"

The were undefeated as a team and Zoey had a blast playing with all these girls.  Coach Bridgette honored Zoey with the Most Energetic award at the end of the year party.  Unfortunately there were so many games and practices that were rained out this spring season, but overall it was a good experience.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Busy Weekend

One of these days I'll have a smart phone and be able to post pictures in a prompt fashion (Josh this is directed to you), but in the mean time words will have to suffice.

Josh is traveling, but my dad is visiting (got to love having Grandpa around!).  Saturday was a very busy day, starting with a soccer game where Zoey got an assist on a goal and her team won (they are currently undefeated).  Next we were off to see The Little Mermaid performed by the CYT Theater for the Girl Scouts.  It was a great performance for a local theater and the kids had a great time.  I was super impressed with how well Riley did; I was fully expecting to get up several times with her but she was mesmerized and kept asking for "more boat".  We capped off the evening with a pizza dinner and a movie night watching Rise of the Guardians.

Sunday was a rainy day and Zoey didn't have the best day, but we ended it well and that's what matters in the end.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mommy-Daughter Date

By this Sunday, Zoey had earned enough marbles through good behavior at school, home and helping out overall that she & I were able to go on a mommy-daughter date.  The plan was to go see The Croods at Studio Movie Grill, and we opted to leave a little early (in order to leave Josh in peace to watch the Masters while Riley napped).  We headed off to Kohl's for a little shopping; Zoey was behaving wonderfully so I let her wander a bit from me.  I guess I should have told her notto spray any perfume on herself.  Well, Zoey ended up with a whole new outfit becasue there was just no way I could sit next to her for an entire movie with out ending up with a massive headache ... thank goodness for sales at Kohl's!  We got to the movie on time and were able to order some dinner which was a new experience for Zoey.  The movie was super cute and we just had a wonderful time together.  I am so glad for the helpful marbles!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Katie Beckett Medicaid

We've been dealing with trying to renew Riley's Katie Beckett/Deeming Waiver medicaid since August 2012 and it has been nothing but headaches.  We got all the paperwork together, got the doctors to sign off and sent it all it, only to get an initial denial.  I've bee appealing, and faxing in all sort of papers and supplements.  Then last week I got a packet in the mail and it looked like they wanted it all sent it again.  Okay, frustrating  but I did it; I copied everything and mailed it in (with 12 dang stamps on it!) only yesterday for the April 15th deadline that they gave us.  Low and behold what comes in the mail today?  Our final denial.  How does that makes sense, they didn't even get the additional papers that they requested yet.  Ugh!  We will be requesting the hearing to appeal.  Keep your fingers crossed and wish us luck - we need it.

Wow ... it's been a while

So here's the truth, I lost the password to get into Blogspot and have changed e-mail carriers so it's be a big old mess trying to retrieve it.  Well, I have it now and I am back on track!  How to summarize a year in teh life of the Jacobs' family?  Bullet points it is then:

  • Zoey has started first grade and she is kicking butt and taking names.  She's in advanced math and she just loves learning
  • Zoey participated in cheer-leading for the first time with a group of girls from the neighborhood

  • Josh & Zoey have attended 2 Father-Daughter dances with the Girl Scouts (a masquerade theme and a candyland theme).  They had wonderful times together

  • Zoey's been on 2 soccer teams ... The Sharks and now The Kicks

  • Zoey got her Yellow and Orange belts in Taw Kwon Do

  • Riley went from crawling to walking (yes, she used this easel as a make shift walker)

  • We attended another 22q day at the zoo to help promote awareness and to meet some of the other families I've been communicating with on-line.  We have another one coming on on Sunday May 19th

  • Riley had ear tubes put in - which was quite the experience and resulted in us spending the entire day in the hospital.  And just this past Friday Riley was back at CHOA to have part of her adenoids taken out and her teeth looked at.  Unfortunately they ended up taking out 4 of her bottom teeth due to the tooth decay reaching all the way down to the roots.  Dr. Thomas told us that it was no big deal, that other kids he's worked on with 22q by Riley's age (2 1/2) usually have upwards of 16 teeth either treated or pulled.  Of course I cried ... it was probably harder on her than her.  By Saturday she was almost 100% better and kicking butt & taking names again

I will try my hardest now that I have retrieved the password to be better at sharing events, but I can't promise anything!