Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saturday 1/8/10

Josh touched on my visit with Riley briefly in his earlier post.  Thanks to some of my wonderful friends, Dawn & Anne, I had been able to go up to the hospital twice this week to visit with Josh & Riley.  I got to hold her yesterday for the first time and it was  very brief because every time I tried, either a nurse would come in, or he respiratory therapist would need to do something and right now that is more important.

When I got there around 7:30 pm Friday night Riley was just waking up.  I think she was a little surprised to see me and not her dad, but boy did she have a lot to tell me.  I pulled up a chair next to her crib and held her hand as she cooed and babbled about all that had been going on.  I was beyond happy just to sit there and listen to her.  The greatest thing about Riley is how she looks at you; those big brown eyes seem to look deep into your soul and she doesn't look away.  I tried to hold up my end of the conversation by telling Riley all about being back at work and the things that Zoey and I had been doing all week.

Once she was in a deep sleep, Riley's O2 levels kept dipping.  The sad part is that she seemed to be having a nice, non-labored sleep at the time.  Around 1:30 am the nurse noticed that her IV was leaking, so they had to take her to a treatment room to have a new one put in.  About an hour later they brought her back with a new IV in her left foot.  I just don't know why they can't stay in!  Then we had a respiratory therapist and 3 nurses in watching over her to make sure that her O2 came back up.  Josh was right, I did not get much sleep at all last night.  It's hard to be a mom and not be able to do what needs to be done for your baby.  Riley is just the sweetest thing and has all the nurses eating out of her chubby hands.  Sadly I hear other babies crying in the Unit where we are ... it sucks that any of us are enduring this

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