Monday, February 14, 2011


This has been quite a week with us (as parents) and Riley figuring out this whole eating thing.  We didn't have that traditional set up where she had a bottle to helpprep her for solid foods (or semi-solid as the case may be).  We've been feeding Riley a steady stream of watered-down sweet potatoes and she has not been the biggest fan of this concept.  Mommy seems to have the magic touch, beacuse the only times she doesn't cry are when I feed her.  That, or by the time I get to feed her, she's starting to get used to the whole process.  Now we're having to deal with spit up, which raises questions since Riley had the fundoplication (the wrapping of her stomach upon itself to prevent reflux).  So I called Dr. Sherrod, our GI doc, to confirm whether or not this is something that we need to be concerned about, or is this a "normal" baby thing.

That seems to be a big question when ever anything weird or different happens.  Is this a normal baby thing, or is this a Riley thing.  You'd think having a 4-year old we'd know what we're doing, but some days it's like the small manual that we've created in these 4 years has been completely thrown out the window and we're starting out fresh, like brand new parents.  Good thing I am not afraid to call up the doctors office and ask my questions.  It just stinks that I have to preface with, my daughter has 22q Deletion Syndrome, which envitably opens to the door for a flood of questions from the nurse who answers the call.

Surgery is only 11 days away, and I still find it a bit surreal.  I guess it won't seem like it's really happening until Josh & I are sitting in that scary surgical waiting room for the 4-5 hours of the surgery.  In loving on Riley the other night, Josh said to her; "Now if you see a white light, you stay away from it".  I know that the doctors (cardiologists) have been super confident that everything is going to be fine and dandy, but that is a legitimate concern of ours.  What if we are that small percentage where things go wrong.  If you are a praying person, we'll take all the prayers that we can get to help ensure that things go smoothly.

Things we have coming up ...
  1. Our Babies Can't Wait speech therapist will be coming to the house this week for a theratpy session
  2. Riley will be going back to see Heidi, the speech therapist with Children's Healthcare of Atlanta for a follow up to the swallow study
  3. Our routine cardiologist appointment


  1. you know I am praying constantly and will be by your sides in spirit and love even though I won't be there physically. I know that everything is going to go well. When Riley was a few hours old, I met with my Pastor and we prayed together in church for - and demanded- "FULL HEALING AND NOTHING LESS". I believe that is what we are seeing the last four months as Riley progresses. Yes- these miracles are working, God is guiding the doctor's hands, and she will keep healing until it is complete. Amen.

  2. Riley is the focus of my prayers these days, I too am praying for a full healing and believe this is possible through prayer. I pray for all of you to be healthy so that Riley can have her surgery as scheduled. I pray for peace for you and Josh and for all of her family as we all have our moments. It's quite normal to have some fears after all we are only human. Keep up the good work. A special thanks to Nana and prayers for her too!!

  3. Yeah for SLPs! Thinking of you all of course! xo
