Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Holy Cow!

So, I don't know if anyone has had to deal with DFACS, but let me tell you, it's a crazy thing.  We received a letter at the beginning on January telling us that Riley's application for the Katie Beckett Demming Waiver has been delayed and that we had to call a certain number to find out.  Well, I have been calling that number every single week day since - I've lost count of how many weeks that is - the phone just rings and rings, but has no voice mail system, or you just get a busy signal.  Busy signal???? With call waiting, I didn't think the busy signal still existed.  Well today was the day; I actually got a human being on the phone!!!  I think I may pass out from the shock of it all.  Well, he couldn't help me, but at least I know our Case Workers name and direct phone number now.  I have left a message of Ms. McCoy and we'll see if she's tru to her voice mail which says I will have a returned call in 24-hours.  Keep your fingers crosses!!