Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Getting Closer

Tomorrow is the pre-op day.  Josh & I have been preparing a list of questions to ask so that we can set our expectations.  Hopefully we'll be more prepared this time than for the g-tube surgery.  We were completely blind sided on that one - to the point where I thought I was going to throw up from the stress of it all.

I am anxious & scared.  Each hour that goes by brings us closer to a good & bad thing.  I am so not looking forward to spending any time in the CICU.  I hate that there is any reason for such a place to exist.  How horrible that any parent has to have their baby/child go through heart surgery.  It's just not right.  I appreciate all the doctors & nurses, but if I had a wis, it would be to make their jobs obsolete.  I'm hoping for some sleep tonight; maybe I'll be able to shut my brain down long enough for that to happen.

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