Monday, February 28, 2011

PostOp Day 4 9am

So we had a rough night last night. Riley woke up screaming about every 2 hours. We don't really know why, but around 1am I realized that I hadn't seen a poopy diaper since the surgery. The nurse felt her belly and it was a little hard, but not awful. Additionally every time they tried to ween Riley off of the oxygen (she is on 1/4 of one MIL - which they call a wisp of air) her O2 stats would drop. So we can't go home with that being like that. Also they have added another diaretic to her Lasix and Aldeactone - this is due to them seeing some liquid around her lung on her XRay this morning. This is normal, but a minor set back. We are glad that this stuff happens in the hospital though and not once we get home. On a positive note her resting heart rate last night was down in the 150s - this is from her normal 170s-180s for our little hyperactive one. So our plan to go home today is probably foiled, but we will see. Thanks again to everyone for all the kind words about the surgery. Riley is truly a fighter and honsetly the strongest willed person that I know.

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