Friday, February 25, 2011

Rain & Sun

Today started out rainy, which was appropriate for the mood I was in driving my 20-week old to the hospital this morning.  The sun keeps popping it's yellow face out and I am choosing to take that as a good sign.  Hopefully the sun is shinning his face on our surgeons and all the nurses and support staff that are working on my baby girl. 

Josh & I are trying to stay strong as we sit in this very nice, but totally sucky surgical waiting room.  I keep telling myself that things could be worse, and we will all get through this day.

1 comment:

  1. Its raining here really bad and Im having a hard time leaving for work because I just keep watching the clock and thinking about you waiting and waiting- thank you for keeping us updated as much as possible- it's all I can think about. Love you all very very very much. Its very hard to be so far away. I hope all of you can feel the hugs and love through the miles.
