Monday, November 22, 2010


Yea, things have been smooth sailing since the last ER trip.  Josh & I got to go out to see the new Harry Potter movie (yea!) and didn't get a phone call to come rushing home, so that was pretty awesome.  Riley has been sleeping a lot, except for when I want to put her to bed at night.  That is when she chooses to be fussy after being awesome all day long.

I had another visit to the OB/GYN to follow up on the procedure.  Still bleeding, so we are going to try out a 3rd medicine to try to make it stop.  I am wondering what the world record is because I just might be there.  Just a thought.  As long as everything clears up, I won't go back for 4 weeks.

Riley has her cardiologist appointment tomorrow and an appointment with her surgeon on Wednesday.  Of course we are eager to discuss the multiple broken g-tubes with him and see what he thinks.  Funny thing is, my OB (who is awesome) was discussing me with another patient (with out mentioning my name) because her husband is this big deal surgeon at Children's Hospital and the wife said that if we should have any concerns that he'd be more than happy to talk to us.  I think it's so sweet that my doctor was concerned enough to seek out avenues for us.  Well, come to find out this is the wife of Riley's surgeon.  What a small world.

Zoey had a bit of a sassy weekend, which is pretty frustrating for us s parents.  We just want to spend time with our two girls and we end up having to reprimand or threaten to take away toys or privileges from Zoey.  She can be such an amazing girl, so I don't know if it's all the crazy going on, or if this is just her strong willed personality.  Luckily Sunday was a better day than Saturday... the funny thing is that she's totally aware of her behavior, and she knows that we are unhappy about it.  I guess she's just not ready to bend her will to our way of thinking.

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