Friday, November 5, 2010

11/5/10 - Back Home Again

cSo come to find out a lot of parents freak out and don't put their emergency g-tube into their kids track when it pops out in emergency situations.  Since we did such a good job the ER doc was all for keeping the one that Josh put into Riley there ... however, the emergency tube sucks compared to her original button (of course we mean a non-popped one).  The difference is that Riley's tube is a short tube with a button like closure on the end that you can detach the feeding line from and close up for bathing & such.  The emergency tube is just a long tube that would stay on her body with no detachable button.  Luckily the ER doc listened to us and they were able to find a replacement button apparatus for us so that they could switch it out and we'd have something that we were familiar with for RIley.

We headed down to Radiology around 10 pm and they injected a dye into Riley's tube so that they could confirm the placement of the new tube.  Josh & were able to stay in the room and were able to see the dye moving through Riley's little system on the screen (pretty cool).  Josh did good, and that tube was where it was supposed to be.  We then had to wait for the on-call surgeon to check her out and give us the good to go.  Dr. Hart Sturgis, who slightly resembled that great T doctor, Dougie Howser came in and checked out Riley; he was confident that everything looked good, but he wanted to call Dr. Wulkan to confirm with him since Riley's g-tube surgery was only the week before.  Thank Heavens we got the good to go, and after waiting around for our discharge paperwork, we were finally able to head home.

We rolled in sometime around 1am.  We had to hook Riley back up to her pump  on a lower feed (only 12 ml per hour vs. 24 ml per hour) to get her system used to the feeds again and to make sure she's have no issues.   Needless to say, as exhausted as we were Josh & I did not sleep so great.  Riley was definitely hungry on the lower feeds and was somewhat restless, making her new grunting noise to let us know how she was feeling.  Around 4 am, we upped her feed to 18 ml per hour and that seemed to help.  The alarm went off at 6 am for Riley's morning medications and we were still exhausted, luckily so was Riley so we were able to get some much needed sleep after moving Riley back to her full 24 ml per hour feed.

Riley is really a little miracle, despite all the chaos last night and noise around her, the only time that she got upset was when her diaper was dirty.  Despite the fact that stuff was freely flowing out of her stomach, she calmed down after being changed and fell asleep and continued to sleep through most of the ordeal.  Today she continues to be amazing and is enjoying being awake and having new things to look at.

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