Tuesday, November 2, 2010

11/2/10 - 11:00 am

Today is supposed to be Homecoming Day, but I am hesitant to believe that until all 3 of us are strapped into the car and actually driving away from this hospital.  Josh got trained on the g-tube care and maintenance yesterday after I was home.  Luckily he's a good teacher and was able to come home and share that information with me.  I have to say that I freaked out a little bit - not about doing it myself, but about leaving that in someone else's hands (namely daycare).  What is something goes wrong and we're not there?  I know that the nurse assured Josh yesterday that should the tube pop out, it is not a life & death situation, but I'd like to see any new g-tub mom not be freaked out by that happening.

We are steadily working on whatever the nurses & doctors throw our way today on the ever changing Discharge List (I have yet to see a real list, so I doubt that one actually exists).  At this particular moment, Riley is sitting in her car seat, and will hopefully stay calm enough to sit here for 90 minutes so that she can "pass" and we are take her home in that very car seat later today.  We have a ginormous list of medications that we need to get filled so that we can give her what she needs once we are at home.  I have now mastered the art of fortifying breast milk and mixing up the right calorie formula for the g-tube bag.  I know that Riley will have about 40-million different doctors appointments, starting with her pediatrician tomorrow.  There is no rest for the weary!

Thankfully my sister Danielle is here and can help with Zoey.  Zoey has her dreaded flu shot tonight at 6:00 and we are hoping that we will be able to make it home in time to take her there ourselves as I had to bribe Zoey with going to Bruesters for ice cream afterwards.  Hey, a mom have to do, what a mom has to do.  The poor kid got 5 shots at her August appointment and she has not forgotten that experience in the least.

We have a bottle of champagne chilling  in the fridge and are looking forward to cracking that open later today in celebration of our Riley Rose.

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