Thursday, November 4, 2010

11/4/10 - Emergency Room

So, our nice relaxing day with Riley has come to a not so fabulous end.  As I was going to change a poopy diaper (and Lord knows Riley does not like to sit in a poopy diaper), I moved her tubing out of the way and the entire apparatus literally slipped out, formula spewing every where.  Yes, I shrieked in panic, but somehow after that moment I was able to keep my cool and assist Josh with the emergency replacement tube (it's a good thing he had the past experience of helping to repair Mike Robin's nose in the ER).  Thank heavens he was paying attention to the training as I was not there and he did a great job in showing me what to do before this actually happened.  It appears that the balloon that should be inflated in Riley's stomach has popped, hence the thing slipping out.  We were advised by Dr. Clifton to bring her on back to Egleston, but this time to the ER.

So, that is where we are currently.  I guess it's a good thing that we bought the extra hospital parking passes, although I was hoping not the be back here until Riley's heart surgery.  Luckily we seemed to get here at the right time, and were moved back to Room 19 with little to no waiting time.  Which is a good thing since we want to keep Riley away from sickness as much as possible -- we even had a tiny mask on her face to protect her from germs.  Evidently we did the right thing in getting the emergency tube in since her g-tube is so new, this temporary replacement will help to keep the track from closing up on us.

Now we are waiting.  Please keep your fingers crossed that this will be an easy fix and that we will be sent home again.

1 comment:

  1. I am praying right now. I knew there was a reason I couldn't sleep.
