Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Can anything else go wrong?  I finally broke down and listened to Josh ... I went to see my OB for a 2nd postpartum visit today since I am still having pretty severe bleeding.  It appears that my cervix is still dilated and they suspect that there may be some left over placenta (gross).  So I will be having an ultrasound on Thursday so we can confirm what is going on, and what our next steps would be.  At this point, with out having the ultrasound, it may be a minor surgery or (hopefully) some drugs.  The thing with me is my high blood pressure and that tends to limit the drugs that I can take for fear of making my blood pressure spike.

Riley had her first non-hospital visit with the cardiologist today.  She did great, and they will be monitoring her every other week from now until surgery time to make sure her weight gain is on target and to see if any of her meds need to be adjusted.  I asked Dr. Sallee about the surgeons and doing the surgery at 4 vs 6 months.  He explained that from a study that one of their own surgeons did, there is little difference to the herat between 4 & 6 months, so that is not a concern, it's just a matter of it getting to be a little bigger in size for the ease of surgeons, because even though they have teeny tiny tools, the doctor's hands are still rater large compared to the heart.  He did explain that doing the surgery at 4 mo vs. now, is actually a big difference.  This small amount of time allows the heart muscle to get "tougher" and that will hold the sutures so much stronger.  We will of course defer to the experts on this matter as I am just about the further thing possible form a heart surgeon.

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