Thursday, October 7, 2010

10-7-10 7:30pm

The midwife came back in and Michele is at 8 on the 1-10 scale, but the baby is still very very high. They have her bed sitting up almost straight in bed to try and get the baby to come down. The midwife has stated that she will come back in a cuple of hours - so I am guessing that means she will come back around 10pm as 2 hours normally means 2.5 hours at least. o it is looking more and more like the baby will not be here till 10-8-10.


  1. Tell my Queen to do some jumping jacks and shake that little monkey loose :)

  2. Well, the proceedure I had today has made me very tired so, I'm sleeping on and off. But everytime I check your blog I see some kind of progress. Sure hope that little pumpkin comes down and gets itself ready to be born, like it or not. Thinking of you and sure do hope things are over soon. You took 12 1/2 hrs to be born. Maybe this baby will take after you.
