Monday, October 18, 2010

10/18/10 - 8:30 am

Today is going to be a busy day.  Riley is supposed to have an eye exam with Dr. Salit today ... ironically she is Zoey's eye doctor for her Duane's Syndrome so at least we are familiar with her.  This is just a standard eye test so that they have a base line for Riley should anything change in the future.  I am feeling pretty confident that Rile can see and she tracks us with her eyes already.

The really big thing is that Riley will be examined by the GI doctor today.  He or she will be the one that will let us know if she will need a G Tube inserted into her stomach.  If so, then we will learn all the particulars on what that will entail.  How will we feed her, how will we maintain the tube and simple things like how will Riley get a bath?  These are the things that Josh & I will need to master in order to bring our girl home with us.  The biggest thing will be to know if there is a weight requirement for the G Tube to be inserted.  Right now Riley weighs 5 lbs 10.7 oz (she gained 0.2 yesterday) so I'm thinking we'll have to fatten her up.

The other thing that was supposed to happen today was for the calories to be counted in my breast milk.  This has been pushed back to Wednesday b/c the lactation nurse who knows how to do the test called in sick today.  Hopefully I have high calorie milk so that too will help Riley in the weight gain deapartment.

1 comment:

  1. I have my fingers and toes crossed for some good GI news today! I am with you my Queen. Big hug.
