Friday, October 29, 2010

10/29/10 - 7:30 pm

So I went to my OB/GYN today and she has given me some med's to help tighten up my uterus; granted not what she wanted to give my because my stupid high blood pressure limits what I can take.  That, and she wants me to rest with my feet up as much as possible.  That sounds great in theory, but I have a real hard time sitting with my feet up at home while my baby is in the hospital.  Thank goodness for all the help that I have been getting because I don't know how I would have done the basic things like eat and do laundry.

One of the interesting things from today was that the OB has a 22q patient who is in her 20's, is married and doing wonderful and is going to start a family.  This is one of the things that I worry about for Riley -- granted this is a long way off in the future, but I am a mom, so I worry none-the-less.  This patient & her husband are doing IVF so that they can genetically test the embryo's for 22q prior to implantation.  That is the technology of today, I can only imagine what will be possible in 25-30 years from now.  It made me feel good to think of my little girl having an normal adulthood with all of the things that a mom could want for her.  These are things I didn't worry about for Zoey, it was just assumed that when she was grown up & ready to start a family that there would be no major issues.

Riley is healing great and the doctor's & nurses have high hopes of her being able to come home sooner than later.  Now Josh & I just have to prepare ourselves for that reality.  We have so much to learn on how to care for Riley at home.  How to feed her, how to give her medications, how to bath her, how to hold her, all those basics that I always took for granted.  I am sooooo looking forward to learning all of that with her and getting her out of the hospital so that she can really start her life.

This is a video that Josh took earlier tonight at the hospital:

1 comment:

  1. I just watch the video over and over- it is also nice to see Riley without the tube in her nose. She is just so precious and beautiful. I love her and miss her so much already.
