Friday, October 15, 2010

10/15/10 - 9:00 am

Josh stopped by the hospital before work today and was told that Riley had a really good night.  She actually got a bath for the first time in a week, so maybe now she will stop smelling like Latex and start smelling like a baby.  Danielle, our night nurse, said that Riley actually slept through the night after her bath.  We can only be so lucky when we do finally get home to have a good sleeper; unlike Zoey who was up every 1 1/2 - 2 hours at night!  

I have to stop at the bank on my way out this morning to get a new debit card.  On top of everything going on, while I was in the hospital I got an e-mail from Bank of America informing me that I had some suspicious activity on my checking account.  Some stupid person in Michigan tried to use my card number (the actual card was in my wallet) all over the place.  Boy, did they pick the wrong account to try to use ... this one is virtually empty!  BOA was wonderful and took care of everything over the phone for me.

Here's to hoping that we have another god day.  Riley has her OT scheduled for a swallow test today where they will feed her from the bottle with some delicious radioactive stuff inside and watch what happens in front of the x-ray.  Keep your fingers crossed that everything is working right in there please.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome news that Riley slept through the night and is doing so well!! I Hope everything stays on the right track! I LOVE the video, her smile is so beautiful!! You can tell she has such a bright light inside of her and her eyes are so aware, it's like she's telling us she'll be just fine! I'd love to see more pics of Riley when you guys get a free moment, which I know is not all that often right now. How's my little Zoey doing?? I'm sure she's just in heaven right now, a new baby sister, Grandpa Jim, Grandma and Grandpa all there visiting. Hope to see more good news soon, love Melissa
