Friday, October 8, 2010

10-8-10 11:45am

So mom's blood sugar is stabilizing a bit, but her blood pressure still needs to be worked out.

Riley is in the NICU with air tubes in her nose and these seem to be keeping her O2 levels stable. They are still proceeding with the antibiotics so that we can catch anything that may be in her. They have done some heart exams and we are waiting to hear from the NeoNatal cardiologist as they are a little worried about the 'ticking' that they hear from her heart.

After seeing our families newest addition in the NICU, I am happy that she is doing so well and saddened all at the same time that she has to be poked and proded during the first hours outside her womb with a view. I also feel deeply for the families of the other babies that I pass by to get to Riley - some of them had many many more tubes in them and were much much smaller then my little one. They have a long road ahead of them and I can only imagine the fear and confusion that their parents are feeling. What is happening to Riley at the moment on the bad scale of 1 - 10 is about a 2, some of these children were at 8+; I know that feeling worried about my child is normal, but I also feel awful about it as my child is a relative wonder woman comparitvely to the little ones that are fighting for every moment that they have in there.


  1. I just said a prayer at my desk for them all- Riley and all of the others too. Josh- I am guessing it is you writing this and I have to say that I am so touched by the compassion you have communicated these last two days, especially in the midst of your own challenges. You must all be so tired and drained. Keep your fortitude. I am sending my strength to you. I am relieved that Michele's sugar is stabilizing- that is good news.

  2. Josh, thank you so much for keeping us all updated. I really appreciate it.
