Saturday, October 9, 2010


I cannot say Thank You enough to our good friend Anne for filling in for us with Zoey while Josh & I have been sequestered in the hospital all week.  When we asked her to watch Zoey I was kind of expecting it to be for just a couple of days and to be coming home with an extra member of the family.  While that has been post-poned for a little while, I did not have to worry about my big girl.  She is loving spending time with her honorary Aunt/Big Sister (totally depends on the day).  Tonight they are doing a walk for Leukemia and having an awesome time together.

Love you Anne!


  1. I am almost in tears reading your last few posts you guys are such wonderful parents and Riley and Zoey are so lucky to have great parents like you. You keep saying thank you to all of us for our love and wishes but I want to thank you both for making such great children for us to love I know in my heart everything will work out and you will deal with whatever comes your way. Love you so much and Anne is awesome I agree xoxo
    Love Aunt Nellie

  2. I just found out about the new baby girl in the last hour... I have been reading your blog and left a message on your phone... I am so sorry I didn't know. I know she is in good hands and has a million prayers being sent up for her. I love you guys and know it will all be good. Please let me know if you need me for anything.....

  3. Awwww, thanks Josh & Michele. It has been my pleasure to help. Zoey and I had a great time, and she was a really good girl. You got it right witht he big sister/aunt based on the day :) We had a great time on Saturday at the walk. Enjoyed the kids activities, did the walk and got to hear some of Zoey's great one liners such as "Police do not protect us, they direct traffic", or "Anne, you are not allowed to cheer for the people crossing the finish line, only the cheerleaders are" or "Ummm, Anne, how come we can not flush the porta pottie?", she continuously cracks me up. And the fact she wants to and can do everything herself because "Anne, I'm a big sister now!!!!". Can't wait to meet little Riley. Hopefully she will be mellow as you say in another post, or you two will really have your hands full :)
