Saturday, October 9, 2010

10-8-10 1pm

Michele is well enough to be discharged today, but the nurses will probably be let us staying in an extra room tonight and Michele and I will go home at 8am tomorrow. Grandpa Jim just got off the MARTA from the airport and Michele and he are down seeing Riley Rose. Momma and I got to hold her for about an hour this morning and she slept, ummmm like a baby (sorry the humor is not at peak form right now), for most of the time, but she looked at us a couple of times. Anne was nice enough to bring Zoey to the hospital and the two sisters got to hang out with each other for about 10 minutes while Riley was doing her billirubin tanning.

Our NICU nurse told us something very encouraging this morning when we were there. It may look bad and it is a lot of scary information, but if it was truly bad - Riley would not be in the Northside NICU - she would be over at the hospital where they will be doing her actual surgery.

Thank you all again for the well-wishes and thoughts. Having a father and many friends who have fought and won their battles against cancer with the power of positive thought being a big part of it - I am a believer, so again thanks.


  1. The nurse is so right and you are also right about positive thinking! Keep it guys are awesome! Thanks for the picture of mom & Riley too! :)

  2. I am so glad your Dad is with you and that Grandpa Jim is there for Zoey also. I wish I was there also as well. I know that Riley will be just fine and that the doctors just want to make sure they have all the info they need to do what is best for her. I also am a positive person who will be sending all my positive energy to you all, Michele, Josh, Zoey and most of all Riley. I am not afraid to say that I am praying for her and have asked my friends to pray for her too. There is great power in prayer. Love to all of you, Mom
