Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12, 2010 - 9:45 am

I came to the hospital this morning to meet with the Lactation specialist at Riley's bedsidem which is a good thing because right now my breasts are porn star huge.

  I had good timing becasue Dr. Dudley arrived just after I did so I was able to get the morning report.  Overall Riley is doing well, but she was spittng up again last night and that was making her fussy.  Dr. Dudley had put Riley on Zantac starting this morning and they will be doing a continuous feed through the feeding tube through out the day.  This in conjunction with the Zantac will hopefully settle down the reflux and give Riley's tummy a little rest.  We are hoping to be back on bottle feedings by the end of the week.  Also, Riley's calories have been increased from 24 to 26 which they achieve by increasing the concentratin, not the volume of formula.  They may increase her some more, but they don't usually go over 30.

Riley's bilirubin levels have gone down too and we are hoping that she will be off the lights tonight, or tomorrow morning, depending on how her levels come back.  She is still on the Lasix and will be until at least the time of the surgery.  They will have to keep an eye on her electrolytes as the Lasix can affect that.  My hope is that the Lasix will work great and give her heart a little break with all the pumping it needs to be done.

Her head CT scan is scheduled for tday, so we can see what is going on in her tiny nose. 


  1. Glad to hear that the diuretic is working and that Riely is getting something for the reflux. I am hoping that Josh is getting some rest so he can keep up his strength.
    You are all on my mind and in my heart, I pray you feel some of the love and hope we all are sending you way.
    Lots of love and hugs and kisses being sent to you all.
    Love Mom
